sexta-feira, 3 de junho de 2011

Mix Brasil: Openings

This is the "Sexual diversity" festival vignettes we produced back in 2009. I modeled the city, the logo, the glass ball... everything on this one.

Creative Direction: Marcio Ribas and Wilson Mateos
Creatives: Fábio Astolpho / Eduardo Andrietta / Paulo Lemos
RTVC: Xanna D’aguiar and Fernanda Crespo
Production Company: Lobo
Director: Mateus de Paula Santos
Director of Animation: Guilherme Rizzo
Executive Producer: Alberto Lopes
Animation: Equipe Lobo
Soundtrack: Paulo Beto
Account Management: Silvia Tommasini, Sandra Karila and Thássia Freitas
Client Approval: André Fischer / João Federici / Suzy Capó

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