terça-feira, 7 de outubro de 2008


Hello boys and girls!
Well, everybody has a blog. So I decided to start one.
Don't take this too serious ("Why so serious?")
Here you're gonna find some sketches, 3D works I've done and a lot of other artistical stuff.

To start this, I decided do post a work I've done together with Alex Liki, fellow mate form Vetor Zero for all these years.
This art is called "The Hell Grannie From The Bakery". Based on a TRUE story, I've done a very simple pencil made sketch from her. Here it is:

Liki has done some proportions corrections, painted a temporary version with Artrage, and made a texture look in Photoshop, like an textured lamp. I thought it awesome! Never thought that a very simply sketch like this could turn into something like that!:

Well, his final work inspired me to work on something I'd never done before: Painting. I just started painting that... with no references, to see where I could reach. And, there she is:

I let it little "redy" to get the look of those pictures from the 70's. I know... I have A LOT to learn to get better with it, but that's all for now. Please, comment on this. Some feedback would be VERY lovely.
Special thanx to Moises Braga from UbiSoft Brazil for teaching me a lot of painting and Photoshop tricks!

Yeah, made with Photoshop.

4 comentários:

Alex Liki disse...

O Sr é um Gênio, e eu tenho como provar isso!
abs meu velho

Unknown disse...

Rafa! Ficou mto legal!! A idéia de postar as etapas de construção do desenho foi ótima :o)
Gostei muito, principalmente do desenho final, parabéns!
Vc aprendeu rapidinho!

Ms Dalloway disse...

adoreeei o resultado!!!!
quero ver mais :D

beijo rafa!

3D - Terceira Dimensão disse...

Isso ai Brow!!!!!
Como é satisfatório ver terminado né!
Bacanérrimo!!!!! Sucesso!!!!